Continuity Services

Ensuring Operational Excellence Beyond Deployment.

Ensuring Seamless Utility Program Operations

Once Advanced Metering upgrades are deployed, the work is not done—Advanced Metering systems need ongoing monitoring and regular maintenance to keep operating at the same level of effectiveness in year ten as it was in year one. With limited resources and other pressing matters, monitoring and maintenance is often overlooked.  

Choosing a trusted partner to become an extension of your team can help to keep your Advanced Metering system running smoothly. That’s why we offer Continuity Services as a key part of our suite of technical services.

Minimize Downtime

Optimize Efficiency

Enhance Reliability

Comprehensive Continuity Services for Advanced Metering Infrastructure

UMS provides robust Continuity Services in every stage of the Advanced Metering program’s lifecycle: comprehensive training, proactive monitoring, and diligent management ensures our services are tailored to your specific needs, allowing us to offer the best support possible for utilities of all sizes and deployment types by augmenting your existing staff to provide critical ongoing support.

  • Our Continuity Services include:

Back-Office Support

We acquire all necessary data, monitor performance, integrate all data and systems, train staff, and oversee, manage, and deploy all software installation and updates.

Field Support

We offer customized field support services for inventory management, maintenance, and testing.

Technical Assistance Center

Our Technical Assistance Center serves as a comprehensive knowledge hub for training new city employees on the operation and management to ensure proper billing occurs, as well as ensuring that all the members of your staff are comfortable and knowledgeable about the system. Our skilled technical team focuses on simplifying the complexities technology and making the knowledge easily comprehensible to users of different technical proficiency levels.

Custom Services

We can provide you with a specialized suite of Continuity Services for your utility, based on your specific needs and requirements.You can choose any of our Continuity Services as stand-alone services to support the specific needs of your project. If you choose our netAMP product, you get Continuity Services standard as part of the package.

Optimizing Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Choosing UMS for your Continuity Services gives you access to the capabilities and knowledge you need to augment your utility’s resources for monitoring and maintaining your Advanced Metering infrastructure—so you can be sure your all your systems operate at the highest levels of efficiency and lowest levels of downtime and disruption. We can help you spot and fix small problems before they become bigger, not to mention before they even start.

Understanding UMS Continuity Services Integration

No matter what Continuity Services you choose, we work with you to fit your needs—instead of the other way around. Our data and systems integration specialists help ensure all systems and processes work seamlessly together and create a plan to make sure all changes go smoothly.


Find answers to commonly asked questions about our Continuity Services.

Why do utilities need Continuity Services?

Advanced Metering systems are not “set it and forget it.”  They need regular maintenance and performance monitoring to make sure that they are performing at their best. What is more, the complexity of Advanced Metering systems means that their needs for maintenance and monitoring are different from those of traditional metering systems.

Can I choose the exact Continuity Services I need?

Of course! We can customize our offerings to meet your unique business needs and infrastructure requirements

What benefits can UMS’ continuity services provide?

Our Continuity Services help you keep an eye on how your Advanced Metering upgrade is performing, handle maintenance, and spot and fix problems early.

Why can’t I just do the ongoing maintenance myself?

You certainly can, and a lot of utilities do – however we’ve found that many utilities don’t have the internal resources or personnel to do all the ongoing updates and maintenance that they know they should. That’s where our team can come in and augment your existing staff, adding additional support and ensuring all the work gets done at the highest possible service level.

Still have questions?

If you still have questions about our Continuity Services, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We're here to help!

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Custom Solutions for Your Utility

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